After time off... how to start writing again


You've been on vacation for what seems like forever. You're relaxed. You're tanned, and now,  somehow, you've got to get back to normal life, and all those things you've been fitting into your day.

But beware. This is often the time when your writing project falls off your priority list and gets ignored.

Our brains love to play the procrastination game. "You can start again as soon as you've done the menu planning for the year/ sorted out all those social media accounts you were supposed to update/ made your photograph album of your holidays/ whatever...."

Getting back into a writing frame of mind after a break can be a little daunting, but don't let your story succumb to the post-summer blues. Here are three things that might help.

1. Remember why you started. Go back to that excitement you had when you first decided you'd write your story. Pull it back up to the front of your mind and revel in it for a while.

2. Take a little bit of time to read back over what you've done, and where you're up to. That might mean checking back through your notes from the course, and looking at your story structure too. You'll be able to jump right back in where you left off.

3. To start with, write *anything*. Sit down with a pen and paper, pick a fun and easy topic, put a timer on and just write for ten minutes. Don't worry if it's 'good' or not. The aim is just to get things flowing again.

Want a topic? Try these?

*I knew for sure that my favourite colour was _______ when ______ happened.

*My favourite memory of breakfast. (Any breakfast, any time, anywhere.)

*The hairdo and clothes of my least favourite teacher at school.



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